Located in Gateshead, Newcastle, Freezing Hot CrossFit is a dedicated full time strength and conditioning training facility.
Our coaches are highly trained and certified, and have a lifelong dedication to health and fitness. We are experienced at managing small and large group classes as well as working with individuals in a one on one setting. CrossFit is scalable to all people and ability levels, which means we can cater for everyone. We are passionate, motivated, inspired and ready to support you.
At Freezing Hot Crossfit, we work to increase your athletic ability by utilising constantly varied functional movements like pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting and running executed at high intensity.
We will help you reach your goals by increasing the 10 physical skills of an athlete including: endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.
Our program combines the most effective training methods of weightlifting, gymnastics, and aerobic capacity training.
Freezing Hot is Newcastle's largest CrossFit gym!